Days 4 & 5 Headaches

 Still grinding through the first week here. I've been pretty low energy and have had a nasty headache. Well, the headache yesterday wasn't too surprising. On Saturday night my husband and I sat down to talk for the first time since he got back from his trip for work, and it was nice to just relax and chill out. I had a glass of scotch, which is zero carb so definitely keto-friendly, but man did it do a number on my head! I'm prone to migraines, and had in fact woken up with a terrible headache on Saturday morning, but I was feeling fine by the evening. 

Anyway, I woke up with a raging headache yesterday morning, maybe at least partly from the scotch. I was able to get rid of it with some migraine medication by early afternoon, but it was back this morning on Monday. 

I remember last time I went through detox Day 5 was definitely the worst day. I was starving that day and eating didn't even help. I literally felt like I had the flu. 

So me having this headache isn't surprising. I didn't even try to go for a walk today, knowing how bad Day 5 was before. I've been working on my computer in bed, feeling sorry for myself with my headache. I will have to go get dressed to get the kids from school at some point, here, though!

As far as my moods go, I'm still feeling depressed, but not as bad as the first couple of days were. I'm irritable, for sure. But that's to be expected when you go from eating donuts/ice cream/pasta/white bread all day every day to keto.

I'm trying to combat all my symptoms with some electrolytes (magnesium, sodium, and potassium is coming in the mail).

For now, the best I can do is take it easy and hope tomorrow is less painful!


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