Day 8 - Less Hunger

 So after I wrote yesterday's post, while feeling sorry for myself about my mental health, I was able to get out and about and do a few things and started feeling better. It was a beautiful day, so once lunch time rolled around I took everything outside into the sun and soaked up some vitamin D. Shortly after my sister dropped by for an impromptu visit, was was lovely. I think these two things really helped lift my spirits.

Today is day 8, and it's going ok! I'm not singing from the rooftops, but I'm feeling pretty good. Physically I feel pretty well. No headache, not too tired, I slept well last night, and my cravings aren't terrible. Last night I had a bit of an upset stomach and also was craving something sugary (go figure - brain, can we talk about how little sense it makes to want something sugary when your stomach is upset? thanks). Anyway, I was able to deal with both with some ginger tea after the kids went to bed and then woke up this morning feeling fine.

I think today is the first day that I haven't been starving. I'm fairly certain I'm still eating too many calories (still not counting macros) and I'm now drinking "keto-ade" for electrolytes (and peeing A LOT!), but I think my stomach has finally turned the corner on the hunger hole. Today I barely noticed that it was noon and time to open my eating window, whereas the other days I was basically staring at the clock, willing it to move closer to my eating window. I had a decent sized lunch (with lots of bacon!) and am guessing I'm not going to be hungry for dinner, but we'll see. 

I'm still hoping to get an energy boost here at some point, but I don't think it's going to be an "all of a sudden" thing - I'll hopefully just start gradually noticing I have more energy. I'm walking with a friend tomorrow, so maybe that's a good jumping off point to do some more walks.

Anyway, feeling all right, vaguely hopeful, somewhat pleased to have made it to Day 8, and a tiny bit of a sense of accomplishment is cutting through the depression, I think. I'll take it!


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