Day 3 - This Sucks

 This is a tough slog. This first week is awful. Before you even get to the real effort of staying consistent, you have to get through the hell that is your first week off sugar. I know this. I've done it before. It's awful. I have plans for future weeks, future parts of this grand effort to feel fantastic at age 45. To cut way, way back on my computer (she says, while blogging!) and cel phone use, which I'm using to just distract myself and get cheap dopamine influx, to meditate daily, stretch daily, exercise (at least walking) daily. To get outside more, hike more, spend more time with my kids.

Those things will come. At least, that's the plan. But for now, I feel like crap. After a night of bad sleep, I woke up with a bad headache that isn't going away. I still feel depressed, I'm constipated, I'm tired, I'm in pain. It's gray and cloudy outside, and I feel like everything in the world is bad. 

Today might just be a day to go back to bed, and get through the hell that is carb withdrawal. From my last experience doing this (only like a month ago!), day 5 was the worst. For whatever reason I'm feeling far, far less motivated this time, so the grind is harder. And knowing I'm only on day 3 is demoralizing. I just have to hope it gets better. 


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